The prostate gla
nd is the centra l part of a male 's the reproduct ive system. It s ecretes fluids t hat assisted in the transportati on and activatio n of sperm. The men's prostate i s located just b efore the rectum , below the blad der and all arou nd the urethra. When there is pr ostate problem, in most cases ve ry uncomfortable and inconvenient to the patient a s his urinary pr oduct is directl y affected. The common prost ate medical prob lems are prostat e infection, enl arged prostate a nd cancer of pro state. Prostate infecti on, often known as prostatitis, is easily the mo st common prosta te-related condi tion in men youn ger than 55 year s old. Infection s of the men's p rostate are clas sified into four types - acute ba cterial prostati tis, chronic bac terial prostatit is, chronic abac terial prostatit is and prosttody nia. Acute bacterial prostatitis is t he least common of varieties of prostate infecti on. It is due to bacteria perfect ly located at th e large intestin es or urinary tr act. Patients ma y go through fev er, chills, body aches, back pain s and urination problems. This c ondition is trea ted by making us e of antibiotics or non-steroid a nti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) t o relieve the sw elling. Chronic bacteria l prostatitis ca n be a condition connected with a particular defec t in the gland a long with the pe rsistence presen ce of bacteria i nside the urinar y tract. It can be brought on by trauma for the u rinary tract or by infections fr om other parts w ith the body. A patient may go t hrough testicula r pain, lower ba ck pains and uri nation problems. Although it is u ncommon, it coul d be treated by removal from the prostate defect accompanied by m aking use antibi otics and NSAIDs to take care of the inflammation . Non-bacterial pr ostatitis is the reason approxima tely 90% of all prostatitis case s; however, rese archers have not even to create t he cause of thes e conditions. So me researchers b elieve chronic n on-bacterial pro statitis occur a s a consequence of unknown infec tious agents whi le other believe that intensive e xercise and heav y lifting might cause these infe ctions. Maintaining a He althy Prostate To prevent prost ate diseases, a suitable weight loss program is important. These are some from th e actions and al so hardwearing . prostate healthy . 1. Drink suffici ent water. Prope r hydration is e ssential for our health and wellb eing and will al so also maintain the urinary trac k clean. 2. Some studies advise that a fe w ejaculations e ach week will pr event prostate t ype of cancer. 3. Eat steak wit hout excess. It has been shown t hat consuming ov er four meals of beef weekly will raise the risk o f prostate disea ses and cancer. 4. Maintain an a ppropriate diet with cereals, ve getable and frui ts to make sure sufficient intak e of nutrients n ecessary for pro state health. The most critica l measure to con sider to make su re a wholesome p rostate is to op t for regular pr ostate health sc reening. If you are forty years old and above, y ou ought to opt for prostate exa mination one or more times per y ear. |